Business Outreach Frequently Asked Questions
What is the selection criteria for how minority-owned businesses will be selected?
Selection criteria is based on small, local business within District’s market area cities (Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda, Piedmont, Emeryville, and Albany). If you are registered as a small, local vendor within those six cities, your work will count towards small local business participation goal.
Do small businesses in other Bay Area cities (like San Francisco or San Jose) have a chance to participate?
All eligible firms have an opportunity to participate. Preference is given to firms certified as small local businesses within the District’s market area cities (Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda, Piedmont, Emeryville, and Albany).
If you already registered as a small business with Peralta, do you have to register again? What if we have already signed up with the vendor registry website, do we need to re-register?
Please visit https://build.peralta.edu/, click on the “Doing Business” menu to find the “Vendor Registry” link and confirm your registration. If also interested in CUPCCAA opportunities, please also register for CUPCCAA contracts on the same “Doing Business” page through the “CUPCCAA Application” link.
If I am a local business does that mean that my workforces need to be also within the six cities?
The District supports local businesses. If you are a small, local business owner located and certified in the six market cities, you are considered a local business.
Is there any preference policy for "women-owned" businesses whether small, local or other?
The District’s SLBE program for equal opportunity and equitable treatment applies to women-owned business enterprises (WBEs).
Does the 25% SLEB goal include local woman owned businesses or is the District setting aside separate WOSB contracting goals?
Yes – the 25% SLBE goal includes local women owned businesses certified as small, local businesses in one of the 6 cities in the District’s market area.
Is there a separate prequalification process if my firm is a City of Oakland certified SLBE?
Any outside certified SLBE must still complete the District’s SLBE Affidavit. With regards to CUPCCAA contracts, the pre-qualification involves registering for CUPCCAA on the “Doing Business” page on https://build.peralta.edu/ through the “CUPCCAA Application” link. Registered firms will be prequalified based on the information provided.
Will all project notifications and timelines be forwarded to all contractors that register with: build.peralta.edu?
Interested firms are encouraged to complete the total Vendor Registry process to ensure bid notifications of opportunities. Notifications and solicitations will be issued and received electronically via Vendor Registry.
Regarding vendor registration: the application directs us to return application to the Purchasing Dept. Is the preferred method by mail? Or is there a way to submit electronically, as well?
The website states to submit by fax or mail, but you can contact us directly and we will accept your application by email as well. You can also visit our website if you need further information or contact Brian Slaughter directly at:
Brian Slaughter Director for Purchasing Peralta Community College District
333 E. 8th Street Oakland, CA 94606
Office: 510-466-7212
What is the proposal process, meaning what format is requested, electronic, print and when and how is it web submittals? How are the proposals requested?
The Vendor Registry is a full, proposal accepting, web-based procurement service. We will be able to accept electronic submissions. However, we cannot say at this time that everything is going to be done electronically. Each procurement package will clearly specify the submittal requirements.
If you are currently working on a District project, do you need to register with Vendor Registry and receive a pin?
Yes. You need to register through Vendor Registry to receive a PIN.
Can you provide links for CUPCCAA on how to register?
Yes, go to the Bond Website at https://build.peralta.edu/ navigate to the “Doing Business” menu and there is a link to the online Registration for CUPCCAA.
How are you breaking the contracts down? Are they by size?
Professional Service Contracts will be broken down by size and matched to a bench pool of small and large prequalified firms. Construction Contracts will also be distributed between small and large firms utilizing CUPCCAA to prequalify contractors and provide opportunity for smaller contractors on infrastructure projects.
Will there be smaller opportunities for a subcontractor to then prime projects with Peralta CCD?
Yes, there will be opportunities for smaller firms to prime smaller projects. We encourage construction contractors to register and prequalify for prime contracts below $200K under CUPCCAA.
Has the Construction Management (CM) teams been awarded for various campuses? Are there other opportunities for CM services?
A CM firm has been selected at each college campus to manage the large capital projects. These CM firms have 25% small, local participation goals in their contracts. As it relates to other CM opportunities, we may consolidate some infrastructure improvements into District-wide projects in which case we may have new CM opportunities in the future.
Is there a separate prequalification process if my firm is a City of Oakland certified SLBE?
Yes, although the District recognizes other agency small business certifications, the District still requires you to complete an affidavit to confirm SLBE status. The affidavit is available at the Bond Website at https://build.peralta.edu/ navigate to the “Doing Business” menu and there is a link to the “Peralta Small Local Business Program” under the “Download SLBE PDF Document” link.
What services are included in the commissioning category?
We expect to incorporate full building Commissioning into the scope of the Design Build Entity. Otherwise, we plan to bring commissioning agents onboard early to participate in design as well as construction and closeout.
Who is responsible for the enforcement of local goals to minority firms?
It is a Board request that we provide reports on a routine basis for small, local, women-owned, and minority-owned business participation. The Program Management team will track key metrics on commitments and actual payments made to such firms, whether as Primes or Subconsultants.
How is the District addressing the energy and sustainability in the Bond program? Are there zero net energy and zero carbon goals for the projects? Is there a LEED certification policy the District has for the bond program?
In reference to both, there is not a current District-wide policy. However, we are assembling a District-wide Sustainability Committee to define those goals. For projects currently underway, we will review them on a case by case basis for LEED certification based on the policy established.
Has COVID-19 had an impact on the plan for the rollout for the Measure G projects, including those in the pipeline?
COVID-19 has impacted our ability to meet in person for Outreach sessions such as this meeting, but it has not impacted our rollout of the projects to date.
For the two or more projects that are getting started, is it too late to bid on these $2.8M projects in Alameda and Berkeley?
Those are forthcoming opportunities. The project for the College of Alameda is the Automobile and Diesel Building will be bidding for construction next year, as well as the Aviation Complex.
Is the District encouraging joint ventures in large design build projects to increase small local business participation? Are you interested in encouraging joint ventures?
This is not a topic that we have specifically reviewed for Measure G, but it is certainly something I’ve done for other capital programs. A fundamental evaluation would be needed to evaluate the cost against the benefits of SLBE increased participation. We will review the topic with the District.
What is the difference between DB vs DBB? What is BB?
Design Bid Build - PMO hires an architect separately who finishes the project all the way through 100% construction documents, we go through DSA and then bid it out to a contractor to build separately Design Build- PMO hires a scoping architect initially to define the scope and prepare bridging documents, we hire a design-build entity where the contractor and designer are together in a single contract and they advance the project through completion of design, through DSA and construction. BB -Bid Build applies to the East Bay MUD project at Laney College where the utility is designing a water main and will provide the District a design to bid to a contractor. We are still in discussions with EBMUD related to the project at Laney and may have EBMUD bid the project on the District’s behalf. In any case, it is an opportunity for a mechanical contractor to bid the work whether it's bid through the District or EBMUD.
Is there a differentiation between a contractor’s requirement if they are a local business or a non-local business? Meaning for the small business participation. If you are a local business do you have the same requirement for small local participation as a non-local business would have?
All projects have a blended small, local 25% participation goal. The District’s Small Local Business Program is defined on our Bond website at https://build.peralta.edu/ navigate to the “Doing Business” menu and there is a link to the “Peralta Small Local Business Program” under the “Download SLBE PDF Document” link.
Will there be trade specific contracts such as flooring and paint and how often is the database of certified contractors updated?
Yes, there will likely be trade specific contracts that are part of the infrastructure pool of money. We also have scheduled maintenance projects from time to time. We anticipate the CUPCCAA prequalification to be done annually and the program database is updated regularly as firms register in Vendor Registry and become SLBE certified.
Can you tell us about specific allocations of sustainability projects; and will these be small projects under $60k?
We are currently in the scoping phase for Sustainability Projects. We are forming a Districtwide Sustainability Committee to refine the sustainability goals for the District and may likely incorporate sustainability projects into the scope of the large capital projects.
If you’re a small company that is awarded a contract and your funds are low do you have the capacity to assist with payroll systems or funding to help the small company be successful, or payout guarantees within 30 days?
We are looking into contractor assistance program to financially support small businesses. Currently, there is not an existing program within the District. We are also working on establishing streamlined workflows to make prompt payments as we know that is key to increase our utilization of small businesses.
What is the criteria that separates small from large professional design service firms? Some small firms have done large projects. Would that exclude them from consideration from large projects?
We look at the definition per the District’s SLBE program which defines a SLBE with gross annual revenue under $3 million for architecture, engineering and professional services. The District does not exclude small firms from being considered for larger projects.
Will you offer a supplier contract?
If you are referencing bulk procurements, we have not established a list at this time. We are evaluating single source items that would provide a cost savings or operational efficiencies to the District by standardizing items.
How is the District addressing energy and sustainability in the Bond program?--Are there specific Zero net energy or Zero net Carbon goals for projects?
The District is forming a Sustainability Committee that will establish the sustainability goals for the projects. Any ZNE or ZNC goals will be evaluated during this process.
Do projects need to meet the District's LEED certification policy?
The District’s LEED certification policy will be evaluated by a District-wide Sustainability Committee that is being formed.
Will you offer bond waiver for contracts over $250,000?
The District is considering a contractor technical assistance program which may include a bond guarantee, look for future updates.
The bond resolution called for a Bond Director that would report to the chancellor and bird for transparency. Has that position been filled?
The Vice Chancellor of the Department of General Services is currently providing leadership over the Bond Program.
Will all project notifications & timelines be forwarded to all contractors that register with: build.peralta.edu?
The Build Peralta website is where all the Bond information will be posted. Vendor Registry is where you register as a vendor for contract opportunities.
Will the SWPPP consultant for a particular project be assigned project by project or as part of the District-wide Professional Service Bench Contracts?We anticipate that the SWPPP projects will be part of the bench service contracts.
Can you provide links for CUPCCAA on how to register?
Yes, go to the Bond Website at https://build.peralta.edu/, click on the “Doing Business” menu to find the “CUPCCAA Application” link.
How much is the total bond? How much has been allocated out of that bond to date?
Measure G has $800M, the first tranche has just been sold for $50M. There is also a residual balance from Measure A which was just sold for $65M.
How will you reach a broader community?
We will conduct ongoing outreach for future opportunities and to promote community awareness and engagement for the Peralta Community College Bond Program. Out Outreach Database is updated regularly to increase firms on list.
Which Construction Management firms were selected?
Swinerton, Roebbelen and Kitchell are the CM firms.
Are companies located in San Francisco considered a local company?
San Francisco is not one of the six cities considered local for the Peralta Community College District Small, Local Program.
Do small businesses in other Bay Area cities (like San Francisco or San Jose) have a chance to participate?
Yes, while the District’s SLBE Program focuses on small and local to the Peralta market area, contract opportunities are open to all eligible businesses.
Will attendees who sign up for today's session continue to get email updates from the District? Or do we need to register as a vendor through Vendor Registry?
Yes, all the attendees from outreach session will receive project updates. You must also register as a vendor through Vendor Registry to receive formal bid/procurement notifications for PCCD projects.
SBE certification mentioned - does LBE qualify?
The District’s program is a small, local business program so LBEs do not qualify as far as the small, local business distinction.
If a business is certified by the County of Alameda as an SLEB, does that certification also meet the district requirement?
Yes, if firm is located within the six cities in the Peralta District market.
Who is responsible for the enforcement of local goals to minority firms?
The District’s program is a small business local. 360 Total Concept as part of the AECOM Program Management Team will track information on contractors, monitor small local business participation.
Do you have a Disadvantaged Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) database available?
DVBE’s are in the program database. We are always looking for more DVBE’s.
Will firms have access to the list of Small Local businesses that are certified?We can provide that information upon request.
What has been the challenges for Peralta in awarding contracts to minority contractors. What is the plan for improvement?
We are focusing our efforts on proactive outreach to businesses to drive matchmaking events and early notifications of opportunities. We will also provide technical assistance training workshops to provide equity across the vendor pool and tracking and reporting work distribution metrics across all DBE categories.
Can you talk more about how Small local businesses can get this matchmaking for the upcoming projects this summer?
We will host match-making sessions in person and virtually for small firms to meet with Primes for teaming opportunities to help meet the 25% small local business goal.
Are there preference points for Laney Student Alumni, who are business owners?
Currently, there aren’t any preference points for this area.
Is the SLBE Affidavit form on the build Peralta website?
The form is available at https://build.peralta.edu/ navigate to the “Doing Business” menu and there is a link to the “Peralta Small Local Business Program” under the “Download SLBE PDF Document” link.
Will presentation documents be available?
Yes, a copy of today’s presentation will be available on the Build Peralta website at https://www.build.peralta.edu under the “Doing Business” menu.
Is there a direct contact in regards to small business assistance?
Email buildperalta@peralta.edu or go to the Bond website at https://build.peralta.edu/ and click “Contact” For small business assistance questions: Shonda Scott shonda@36tcpr.com For small business policy information: Brian Slaughter bslaughter@peralta.edu
In regards to contractor assistance, how often will these classes be held?
We plan to host monthly and quarterly technical assistance workshops.
How do we get the plans? Will you offer both electronic and paper plans? Will there be a cost for either?
We will utilize the Vendor Registry to post electronic plans at no cost to the bidders. Please register for the Vendor Registry at build.peralta.edu click on the “Doing Business” menu to find the “Vendor Registry” link.
Are there only small and large firm categories? Will there be a group for medium-size firms?
At this time we do not designate a separate pool solely for “medium-size firms.” We will designate a “small category” to provide specific SLBE opportunities.
How do we get minority goals included at the beginning of this process?Currently, due to Proposition 209, there are only small, local goals, and no race/ gender-based goals.