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Small Business Plan Concept Presentation
Small Business Resource Panel
Managing Cashflow in the Construction Industry
How to do Business and Pre-Qualification with Peralta Colleges
Small Business Administration Update Surety-Bond Guarantee, PPP and Loans
How to Prepare and Estimate.
PCCD Small Business Program and Local Small Business Certification
How to obtain Bonding/Insurance
How to Bid Informally and Formally including CUPCCAA; What you need to know about pre-qualification
Small Business Guide to Access Capital, PPP Loan Forgiveness and How to Manage Profitability and Cashflow
Program Overview
Developing A Safety Program During COVID19 Era
Build Peralta Academy
Build Peralta Academy is a nine (9) series workshop, technical assistance bootcamp, which includes instruction by industry subject matter experts. The workshops are created to provide support and help to ensure success of small businesses working (or interested in working) on the Measure G Bond Program, or Peralta students interested in construction/design projects. The workshops are conducted in either lecture or panel format, in person or virtually. Attendees participating in 90% of the courses (in one series) will receive a Certificate of Completion. The overall goal of each session is to inform, educate and connect:
Inform: Sessions are led by subject matter experts, providing critical information to participants.
Educate: The knowledge transfer sessions are each 2 hours in panel or workshop format.
Connect: Since sessions are led by key officials from District and PMO, participants have an opportunity to meet project and district leaders.