Thank you Voters!
Voter approved by 75 %
Alameda County voters passed Peralta Colleges’ $390 million Measure A bond on June 6, 2006 by an overwhelming 75 percent, one of the highest support rates for a community college bond measure in the state.
And it was the students of Berkeley City College, College of Alameda and Oakland’s Laney and Merritt Colleges that won big.
Voters in Albany, Alameda, Berkeley, Emeryville, Oakland and Piedmont – the six cities that make up the Peralta Community College District – have voiced a loud ‘aye’ to the sale of bonds that will go towards renovating aging classrooms, building new science and technology labs and modernizing facilities that are decades old, all so that the Peralta Colleges can continue to provide a first-rate educational environment for the community’s students.
“I want to say thank you to voters for their support of our community’s students and our educational mission here at the Peralta Colleges,” said Elihu Harris, Chancellor of the Peralta Community College District.
“As a part of the community for more than 40 years, the Peralta Colleges can only continue to provide quality educational opportunities for our students if the community supports us – which they have, again, overwhelmingly.”
“We say ‘thank you’ on behalf of the more than one million students who have attended the Peralta Colleges over the last four decades,” Harris added.
The community’s support for the Peralta Colleges is clear: In 2000, the Peralta Community College District passed a smaller bond, Measure E, by a nearly 80 percent approval rating, the highest ever in state history for such a measure.
Measure A spending will benefit all four Peralta Colleges. Detail about the colleges’ needs and spending plans can be found on the Peralta Colleges’ website, www.peralta.edu. For more information, please contact Peralta’s Department of General Services at (510) 466-7346.
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Measure A Bond Resolution 05/06-45
Voter approved by 76 %
Measure G bond projects will be monitored by an internal group of stakeholders who will move the projects forward based on the totality of the program, and individual instructional or service needs. The District will form an implementation and execution team to adhere to the proposed bond program.
The District will hire experts in the construction, project management, and labor compliance field to run the program to maximize efficiency and adherence to District policies and planning including the District’s Project Labor Agreement.
The District will hire a Capital Program Director with procurement staff to perform the project accounting and financial operations for the Bond Program and ensure that progress payments and vendor payments are made in a timely manner and based upon supporting documentation and in compliance with standard accounting procedures and best practices for school construction.
The Measure G Bond is based upon a District-wide Facilities Master Plan and priorities established by each campus working collaboratively to determine the projects that will be funded by the bond measure. In addition, The District guarantees that each college will receive funding in an amount no less than 10% of the bond proceeds.