Notice to Construction Contractors
The Peralta Community College District (PCCD) has elected to become subject to the State of California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act. These procedures provide for alternative procedures when the District performs public project work by contract. Public projects of 200,000 or less may be let to contract by informal procedures set forth in the Act.
Vendor Registry and CUPCCAA registration are 2 separate applications.
Build Peralta Virtual Business Outreach Video
May 28, 2020

Local Business Outreach
As part of the District’s commitment to ensure that the voter approved bond money is reinvested back into the local community, the District and Bond Program Management will provide extensive local business outreach for the Capital Program’s projects. There will be on going local business outreach workshops, technical assistance training, small business webinars, and community forums. For more information on the Capital Program’s Local Business Outreach Program email

Presentation from May 28, 2020 Virtual Business Outreach.
Past outreach events.
Peralta Small Local Business Program
The District is committed to ensure equal opportunity and equitable treatment in awarding and managing its public contracts and has established an annual overall program goal of twenty-five percent participation for small local businesses. To facilitate opportunities for small local business, the District will use a maximum 5% bidding preference for SLBE and SELBE firms. The preference is only used for computation purposes to determine the winning bidder, the contract is awarded at the actual bid amount. Please review the following guidelines to see if your firm qualifies for the preference.

Construction Project Labor Agreement